Uncompromising Safety Standards at Orion Water Solutions
Ensuring a Safe Workplace for Employees, Subcontractors, and Customers
At Orion Water Solutions, ensuring the safety of our team and clients is paramount. Our dedicated group of industry-proven water treatment engineers, automation experts, field operators, and technicians have treated over 30 billion gallons of diverse and challenging wastewater. We prioritize providing and maintaining secure working conditions while adhering to operating practices that protect our employees, subcontractors, customers, and the environment.
At Orion Water Solutions, we prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of our employees, subcontractors, customers, and the environment. Our HSE program is assessed annually using the company’s Safe Workplace Management process, allowing us to continually improve and achieve the highest safety standards. We are proud to exceed industry expectations, with a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) score below 1.0.
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